Selected Sermons

Selected Sermons

We would love for you to join us in our assemblies to hear God's Word shared, however, we know this is not always possible. We have added some of our sermons to this page to allow you to listen to messages from Scripture. We do hope you will be encouraged by what you hear, and that you will join us when you get the opportunity so that we can all "consider how to stir up one another to love and good works" Hebrews 10:24. 

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Displaying 201 - 225 of 253

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/11/22 Acts 8:26-40 - The Eunuch Went On His Way Rejoicing Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220511-Acts8v26-40-TheEunuchWentOnHisWayRejoicing.pptx
05/11/22 Acts 8:26-40 - The Eunuch Went On His Way Rejoicing - notes Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220511-Acts8v26-40-TheEunuchWentOnHisWayRejoicing-notes.docx
05/10/22 The Royal Psalms and a Psalm of Lament Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220510a-TheRoyalPsalmsAPsalmOfLament-32kbps.mp3
05/10/22 Matthew 26 - The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220510b-Matt26-TheCrucifixionResurrectionOfJesus-32kbps.mp3
05/10/22 Matthew 26 - The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220510b-Matt26-TheCrucifixionResurrectionOfJesus.pptx
05/10/22 The Royal Psalms and a Psalm of Lament Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220510a-TheRoyalPsalmsAPsalmOfLament.ppt
05/09/22 The Holy Spirit Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220509a-TheHolySpirit-32kbps.mp3
05/09/22 The Holy Spirit Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220509a-TheHolySpirit.pptx
05/09/22 Luke 15 - The Prodigal Son Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220509b-Luke15-TheProdigalSon-32kbps.mp3
05/09/22 Luke 15 - The Prodigal Son Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220509b-Luke15-TheProdigalSon.pptx
05/09/22 The Holy Spirit - Notes Tommy Peeler Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220509a-TheHolySpirit-notes.docx
05/08/22 Genesis 3:1-13 - The Problem of Sin Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508c-Gen3v1-13-TheProblemOfSin-32kbps.mp3
05/08/22 Genesis 3:1-13 - The Problem of Sin Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508c-Gen3v1-13-TheProblemOfSin.pptx
05/08/22 Isaiah 40:12-41 - The Glory of God Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508b-Is40v12-31-TheGloryOfGod-32kbps.mp3
05/08/22 Isaiah 40:12-41 - The Glory of God Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508b-Is40v12-31-TheGloryOfGod.pptx
05/08/22 Haggai 1:1-11 - It's Time to Rise and Build Tommy Peeler Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508a-Hag1v1-11-ItsTimeToRiseBuild-32kbps.mp3
05/08/22 Haggai 1:1-11 - It's Time to Rise and Build Tommy Peeler PPT N/A Gospel Meeting PeelerTommy-220508a-Hag1v1-11-ItsTimeToRiseBuild.pptx
03/20/22 Hebrews 11:7 - Pursuing Faith in a Hostile Culture Jeremy Dehut Sermon N/A Sun AM DehutJeremy-220320-Heb11v7-PursuingFaithInAHostileCulture-32kbps.mp3
03/20/22 Psalm 121 Jeremy Dehut Sermon N/A Sun PM DehutJeremy-220320-Ps121-32kbps.mp3
03/20/22 Hebrews 11:7 - Pursuing Faith in a Hostile Culture Jeremy Dehut PPT N/A Sun AM DehutJeremy-220320-Heb11v7-PursuingFaithInAHostileCulture.pptx
03/20/22 Psalm 121 Jeremy Dehut PPT N/A Sun PM DehutJeremy-220320-Ps121.ppt
03/13/22 Isaiah 59:1-2 - Distance Matters (Part 1) Brian Moore Sermon N/A Sun AM MooreBrian-220313-Is59v1-2-DistanceMatters-1-32kbps.mp3
03/13/22 Ezekiel 3:18-19 - Distance Matters (Part 2) Brian Moore Sermon N/A Sun PM MooreBrian-220313-Ezek3v18-19-DistanceMatters-2-32kbps.mp3
03/13/22 Isaiah 59:1-2 - Distance Matters (Part 1) Brian Moore PPT N/A Sun AM MooreBrian-220313-Is59v1-2-DistanceMatters-1.ppt
03/13/22 Ezekiel 3:18-19 - Distance Matters (Part 2) Brian Moore PPT N/A Sun PM MooreBrian-220313-Ezek3v18-19-DistanceMatters-2.ppt

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