Selected Sermons

Selected Sermons

We would love for you to join us in our assemblies to hear God's Word shared, however, we know this is not always possible. We have added some of our sermons to this page to allow you to listen to messages from Scripture. We do hope you will be encouraged by what you hear, and that you will join us when you get the opportunity so that we can all "consider how to stir up one another to love and good works" Hebrews 10:24. 

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/29/23 Lessons from a Lying Lineage Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-231029a-AM-32kbps.mp3
10/22/23 Joshua 23:5-13 - Cling To God Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-231022a-Josh23v5-13-ClingToGod-32kbps.mp3
10/18/23 James 5:10-11 - The Steadfastness of Job Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231018-James5v10-11-TheSteadfastnessOfJob.pptx
10/18/23 James 5:10-11 - The Steadfastness of Job Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231018-James5v10-11-TheSteadfastnessOfJob-32kbps.mp3
10/17/23 Mark 15:16-32 - The Sacrifice of the King Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231017-Mark15v16-32-TheSacrificeOfTheKing.pptx
10/17/23 Mark 15:16-32 - The Sacrifice of the King Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231017-Mark15v16-32-TheSacrificeOfTheKing-32kbps.mp3
10/16/23 Luke 23 - The Man Caught Between Justice and the Crowd Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231016-Luke23-TheManCaughtBetweenJusticeAndTheCrowd.pptx
10/16/23 Luke 23 - The Man Caught Between Justice and the Crowd (from Eastside, Bowling Green, 220609) Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231016-220609-EastsideBG-Luke23-TheManCaughtBetweenJusticeAndTheCrowd.mp3
10/15/23 Luke 15 - Lost and Found Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231015a-Luke15-LostFound.pptx
10/15/23 Luke 15 - Lost and Found Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231015a-Luke15-LostFound-32kbps.mp3
10/15/23 John 1:35-39 - What Are You Seeking? Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Sun AM BorlaugErik-231015c-John1v35-39-WhatAreYouSeeking.pptx
10/15/23 John 1:35-39 - What Are You Seeking? (from Eastside, Bowling Green, 220607) Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231015c-220607-EastsideBG-John1v35-39-WhatAreYouSeeking-mp3.mp3
10/15/23 Luke 1:26-38 - The Messiah's Mother Erik Borlaug PPT Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231015b-Luke1v26-38-TheMessiahsMother.pptx
10/15/23 Luke 1:26-38 - The Messiah's Mother Erik Borlaug Sermon Themes and Scenes from the Gospels Gospel Meeting BorlaugErik-231015b-Luke1v26-38-TheMessiahsMother-32kbps.mp3
10/08/23 Finding Joy in All Things - Fear, Sorrow, Anger Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-231008a-FindingJoyInAllThings-Fear-Sorrow-Anger-32kbps.mp3
10/08/23 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - Fishing for Men Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-231008b-2Tim3v16-17-FishingForMen-32kbps.mp3
10/01/23 James 3 Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun PM BirknerZach-231001b-James3-32kbps.mp3
09/24/23 Esther 4:13-16 - For Such a Time as This Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230924a-Esth4v13-16-ForSuchATimeAsThis-32kbps.mp3
09/03/23 2 Timothy 2:15 - Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230903a-2Tim2v15-RightlyDividingTheWordOfTruth-32kbps.mp3
08/27/23 2 John 9-10 - Does Doctrine Matter? Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230827a-2John9-10-DoesDoctrineMatter-32kbps.mp3
08/20/23 Hebrews 11:30 - Samson & Jephthah Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230820a-Heb11v30-SamsonJephthah-32kbps.mp3
08/13/23 Matthew 23 - Pharisees Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun PM BirknerZach-230813b-Matt23-Pharisees-32kbps.mp3
08/13/23 Galatians 5 and 2 Peter 3 - Add To Your Faith Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230813a-Gal52Pet1-AddToYourFaith-32kbps.mp3
08/06/23 James 1 - Profiting from Trials Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun PM BirknerZach-230806-James1-ProfitingFromTrials-32kbps.mp3
08/06/23 Matthew 7:7-11 - Inquire of the Lord Zach Birkner Sermon N/A Sun AM BirknerZach-230806a-Matt6v33-34-7v7-11-InquireOfTheLord-32kbps.mp3

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